Sự đồng thuận của phụ nữ đối với cuộc vận động xây dựng gia đình 5 có 3 sạch

Sự đồng thuận của phụ nữ đối với cuộc vận động xây dựng gia đình 5 có 3 sạch

Dương Kim Anh duongkimanh@vwa.edu.vn Học viện Phụ nữ Việt Nam
Phùng Thị Quỳnh Trang trangptq@vwa.edu.vn Học viện Phụ nữ Việt Nam
The activities of the Vietnam Women’s Union (VWU) are increasingly diverse and rich, and have achieved impressive results, step by step affirming the role, position and motivation for the union’s activities in the recent context. However, the number of members fluctuates abnormally; a model that really meets the wishes of members and women has not been found, so it has not had a spillover effect, and has not been able to promote the strengths of all women, especially those in the “leading” group such as female managers, leaders, businesswomen, female intellectuals and have not yet assessed the consensus of all women - the target audience of VWU. This paper assesses the women’s consensus on the campaign to build a family of 5 “have” and 3 “clean” (the so-called 5 có, 3 sạch) by VWU through the results of a questionnaire survey of 300 women and 600 members of VWU; in-depth interviews conducted with 40 VWU officials and members, women in the society; group discussions conducted with 120 VWU members, and women in Hanoi, Dak Lak, Thua Thien Hue, Binh Phuoc. Research results show that women’s consensus is both the goal and the driving force of VWU development, creating stability and solidarity of the union. At the same time is the most effective method of gathering women at all levels of the union, so it is necessary to have solutions to promote the consensus of women for the activities of the Vietnam Women’s Union.
building a family of 5 “have” and 3 “clean”
How to Cite: 
Dương Kim Anh, Phùng Thị Quỳnh Trang, ,2023, Sự đồng thuận của phụ nữ đối với cuộc vận động xây dựng gia đình 5 có 3 sạch, WOMEN'S SCIENCE JOURNAL, 8-19, 22, (http://vwajs.vtranet.com/su-dong-thuan-cua-phu-nu-doi-voi-cuoc-van-dong-xay-dung-gia-dinh-5-co-3-sach-0)

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