Định kiến với nữ giới trong các vụ việc báo chí đưa tin về đánh ghen

Định kiến với nữ giới trong các vụ việc báo chí đưa tin về đánh ghen

Đỗ Anh Đức ducdoanh@ussh.edu.vn ĐH Khoa học xã hội và Nhân văn
Trần Thị Phương Thảo ducdoanh@ussh.edu.vn ĐH Khoa học xã hội và Nhân văn
Hoàng Ngọc Nhi ducdoanh@ussh.edu.vn ĐH Khoa học xã hội và Nhân văn
In social relations as well as behavioural culture in Vietnam, jealousy is always a hot topic, causing the curiosity and attention of many people. The press also thoroughly exploited this hot issue, however, the way Vietnamese news media covers the topic reveals its prejudices, particularly towards women while blurring the man’s role and responsibility. Female characters, whether as the official wife or as a ‘third person’ are often portrayed in biased frames of reference, either a poor wife, unable to keep her husband, or conversely, blindly jealous, losing her mind. On the side of the ‘love enemy’ character, it is always the one who destroyed the family, seduced the man, and who deserves to be punished, regardless of whether the sanction is illegal or not. The authors conducted a qualitative content analysis of 20 articles on jealousy incidents, published in the last two years, in some popular online newspapers. The findings in this study point to the role of the news media in framing stereotypes against women, and propose to the press to approach the issue in a more balanced manner, complying with the law, and complying with human rights, not to deepen prejudices and not to stimulate spontaneous behavior in conflicting civil relationships
gender stereotype
Vietnamese news media
How to Cite: 
Đỗ Anh Đức, Trần Thị Phương Thảo, Hoàng Ngọc Nhi, ,2023, Định kiến với nữ giới trong các vụ việc báo chí đưa tin về đánh ghen, WOMEN'S SCIENCE JOURNAL, 20-27, 22, (http://vwajs.vtranet.com/dinh-kien-voi-nu-gioi-trong-cac-vu-viec-bao-chi-dua-tin-ve-danh-ghen-0)

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